OMG! I've been "ninja-ing" for more than 2 months here >.< i miss this blog~ so i made my little comeback *sighs*
Well~ anyway, today has nothing special, just coming back to my blog and I remember I want to post something LOL
First of all, I need to show off my new walkie~ XDDD i mean SHOES!!! LOL
Why I love them? COMFORTABLE! HIGH HEEL SNEAKER! and best of all STYLISH IN THEIR OWN WAY!!! They don't have to be Nikey to deserve that awesomeness they possess! They give me this lovely feeling of being tall yet not too overwhelmed with the height! LOL like "OMG! my feet are killing me" feeling XD
Now my love for Steve Madden is done ~ next is a pic of me! yea yea yea i know, narcissist~ but i can't resist LOL anyway~ this is to show how I'm doing now~ still good after that horrible storm of life~ i'm still alive and kicking XD nothing to bring me down! kekekekeke
Alrightie~ gotta go XDDDDD until the next item//event!! XD